He walks with an air of confidence that takes over the room when he enters. He smiles out the corner of his mouth and always knows what to say. Everything he wears is creased and matched over his tall muscular frame. He is everything that I imagine a man to be. In my moments of self-gratification he is whom I fantasize of. He is the best I ever had; or so I imagine. Unfortunately, he will never be mine. But what if I could live out my moments of gratification one night without any emotional consequence on anyone’s part? What if? How about this for thought: Would you rob a bank if there were no consequences? If your answer is yes, then is sex with a married man justifiable?
sex with a married man is never justifiable regardless of how u want to put it or sugar coat it. Jus think of it this way, would u want someone to have sex with the one ur with without u even knowing it? Plus why would u want to give urself to someone whose never going to be urs or waste ur life with sumone thats taken. also; lets say wen u have sex with them and whats goin on in ur head is a false image of u two being together forever and ect ect ect, wen its all done, and reality hits, surprise,,, ur whole fantasy is burst...
btw; u always have the best blog there is... keep up the great work!!!
Ok lets just say you all memories were erased afterwards would you do it? Lets say hypothetically this is the man of your dreams, would you take a risk for only one night?
By the way thanks stay tuned for the new site!
Let me start by saying that I don't 'buy' into the notion that it's natural for humans to mate for life. Who thought up this marriage crap anyways? I don't agree with Anonymous, but I do agree with Anonymous...LOL I'm single so what do I know anyways? As far as having sex with a married man....uummmm..NO that's NOT my thing I'm about having 'drama free' sex, it's more fun.
You have a point. Drama free sex is the way to go. I just can't help but wonder: is it worth it all?
hhmmmm, is what worth it?
Yeah, only if you're the one married to him.....
If he's not, you're trifling anyways. You'll find a way to justify it in your mind....ie "He came on to me"
this much i know...the longer i am married, the more of my friends have either had sex with someone other than their wives OR (and this is very common) they have a woman on the side for YEARS and it has made staying married possible...surprisingly, many of the wives KNOW or suspect it and prefer to ignore it as long as the home life is good and the "boundries" of such a relationship remain outside the home...as for the moral preaching, most who condemn it tend to be the ones who never think their own would do it...and don't know how wrong they are...
You do have a point. Most marriages are not "faithful" marriages. I mean can one night be that bad? Even if all parties wind up not being emotionally scarred?
To Ritual: Is one night with the one you fantasize worth the risk or the aftermath of having sex with someone who is after all married?
Good question. It's not a good thing to sleep with someone that's married. Why should you worry about their marriage if it's an one night stsnd? I mean, it's not really your place to worry with someone's marriage. IT's on the married man to do the right thing and not sleep around. It's kinda bogus to be that way but why make having sex with someone married a big deal. Most marriages now a days are just like what boy/girlfriend relationships were just a few years ago. People are moving too fast and probably aren't married for all the right reasons.
What if the man is married, seperated and unhappy, would that be more justifiable to have sex with him then? If it's just sex?
lets cut to the chase, the idea of "riske" sex is what drives both men and women (when they reach a certain level) wild. It all depends on your sexual wisdom/past.
The simple idea of a fantasy usually involves some type of risk. The conventional "meet-date-thenfuck" relationship is no longer stimulating....think about it...remember the first time you kissed?
Well I do, my d*ck got so hard it started to hurt, its like it wanted to grow but didnt have anywhere to go! Well kissing no longer has that effect, i guess because I have room to grow with my fantasies
so my point...morally it's not right but who the f*ck decides whats morally right!?! live your life and find (marry) someone with similar understanding. nowadays they call it "swinging"
"the best sex is sex that you never had before"
-yeah *Scriber said it
"the best sex is the sex that you never had before"
great quote. You have a point the same old date then sex routine is a bit mundane, Something wild and passionate is definitely more desirable although most won't admit.
You know there are many marriages that are on the rocks. I mean would their rocky marriage justify me sleeping with a married man then? Would it be better if they were boyfriend and girlfriend? If so what is the line?
relationship status is state of mind, you think therefore you exist.
often times you see unmarried couples who carry themselves as if they were married and married couples doing the exact opposite.
Once again, the great thing about sex is the fact that thier's no line.
ok,remember when oral sex was taboo? what did it feel like once you crossed that line.
you have a point oral sex was very taboo in high school. Your way of thinking is very spontaneous. I wish I had the balls.
thank you, but allow me to put on the modest hat for a sec...
this is your BLOG!
im just loving it
I know but just like you climbing the mountain you seem to have the personality of throwing caution to the wind and to be honest in most instances in life you should throw caution to the wind. I guess I just got a bit reserved and analytical as time has passed but trust I do remember when I did and I look forward to it again. Stay tuned............;-)
Scriber is deep and I'm feeling his thoery
"To Ritual: Is one night with the one you fantasize worth the risk or the aftermath of having sex with someone who is after all married?"
No, I don't think it is. There are way too many fish in the sea to worry about just that 'one'. I don't have any 'moral' issues on the subject however I DO feel it shows the character of a man who would lie to his 'soulmate'...so disrespectful to women in general and it just doesn't sit well with me at all. STAY SINGLE already! :)
You have a point. I guess it's just a matter of lust on my part. When I see him all sorts of derogatory thoughts go through my mind. I just wish I could without the "he's married" consequences.
Sex with a married man is not justifiable. I am a strong believer that if women didnt sleep with married men...they wouldn't find it so tempting to cheat. But of course there is always prostitutes,and I do believe it is justifiable for THEM to sleep with married men. *wink
Do you really believe that predominately the woman's fault that a man cheats? Come on. To be realistic the other woman has no obligation to the marriage the man does so I think the fault falls on the man if he decides to cheat. He is the one that took a vow to be loyal to his wife.
To rwdwine: I don't get it but I did notice the * wink
Prostitutes are work for hire so they should NOT be held to the same standard of the common woman who meets a married man in a grocery store...
Although she should not be blamed either, she holds no commitment to anyone but her "right" and "wrong"
I agree. If a woman sleeps with a married man why is she so wrong? Of course it can be argued that she knew he was married and that may be a wrong but why should she care? She is not married she is only dating someone else's husband. I have seen mistresses that play the same role as wife.
Bertha: if you were the wife, who whould you hold accountable?
Let's make it interesting...your husbund or your best friend?
THE MAN! The woman has no commitment to me my man is who has committed himself to me. I never understand why women get mad at the woman. She should be mad at the man who promised to be faithful to her.
Now when it comes to my best friend. That's a different situation. My friend is also supposed to be loyal to me, so she has betrayed me as well. However, the weight is heavier on the man.
I always thought this was so wrong until this happened to me
i am totally in love with him and i know it is wrong but for the first time in my life i do not care about her
i do not want him to leave her or nor do i want her to find out
Wow another perspective!
Honestly, if I did decided to deal with a married man (the guy in the post) I would not want her to find out. I just want her to go on thinking everything is OK. The funny thing is like I said before sometimes when a man is married the woman is treated good and it's like the typical boyfriend girlfriend relationship. I just don't know what to do.
I mean you may have to give up holidays and other things but how bad could it be? People are in relationships with un-maarried guys that treat them like shit.
There is definitely going to be a part 2 to this!
If you were the married woman would you want to know?
In a perfect world where there was no life threatening or disgusting STD's.......... emotionally I wouldn't want to know. If things are well at home why? But, at the same time I find it hard that now adays men as well as women are able to be faithful for the long term.
Provided you haven't gone out of your way to tempt him into something he wasn't looking for by, say, grabbing him by the groin and shouting, you can stick your cock in any hole you like, as often as you like and fuck the consequences, then go ahead. The onus for being faithful must surely be on the person who is being unfaithful.
That said, however, isn't there a moral difference between fucking someone's spouse because it's over for them as a couple (but starting with you) and a few quick deceitful shags that could wreck her life for no real reason?
Last thought: there are 3 plus billion men and about 3 plus billion and ninety seven women in the world. Clearly, one side or the other doesn't have sufficient choice, or we wouldn't be discussing fucking another woman's husband. You wouldn't have to eat other people's sweets if there were loads of sweets to choose from, get me? So if we cull the women, they won't need the husband of some poor bitch as a plaything because there would be a glut of desirable males for them to remold and emasculate.
Yep, I'm stoned.
And drunk.
It's my hobby.
Just re-read comments. To the didn't care, didn't want her to know remark: Ignorance is not bliss. My wife cheated on me with my best friend, my best friend cheated on me with my wife. She had cheated previously but I didn't know. They both hurt me more deeply than I can express with wounds that have changed me to this day, maybe because I have morals and ethics that most people seem devoid off. But the biggest pain of all, from the first moment she began cheating on me 3 or 4 years before I found out, was knowing that my whole life, my love and trust and all our plans, had been a fucking joke and a big fat lie. Dead, wasted years. Far rather been told straight on day one than treated like a trusting joke for years.
Upshot is, I think to cheat with someone's partner for years without even wanting them, is about the cruelest thing you can do to them. Break their hearts quick and clean, but don't turn their whole lives into a pantomime. If you can live with that, good luck to you.
I would definitely rob a bank, though, if there were no consequences and no one got hurt. Big business robs us every day, so fuck 'em. They're insured.
I, personally, could not do it fantasy or not. I have a terrible guilty conscience and I wouldn't be able to sleep nights because of it.
I have a feeling you're going to say, "What if you didn't have a guilty conscience?" I still wouldn't do it. Why? Being with someone who is in a relationship with someone else isn't my style. Point blank, I wouldn't want it done to me, and I'm not going to to it to someone else either.
At one time I had an affair with a married man. I didn't like his wife and justified it by saying "If she was taking care of him, He wouldn't come to Me". Looking back, that was Wrong and I wouldn't want it to be done to me. Hindsight is 20/20.
If there were no consequences then I would find a way to justify it but you hurt too many people in the process if caught. I have been there and done that at a time in my life when I didn't want to be tied to anyone and they couldn't control me because they were married. It justified the means. Do I regret it? No. It was a part of growing up.
I think cheating is wrong married or not. I wouldn't like it done to me so no way I would do it.
And I wouldn't rob a bank either. Karma is a bitch!
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