Money in exchange for sex. It has been here since the beginning of time. If you are having sex with someone are they expected to help with that past due light bill? If so how is this different from prostitution? The very quality we look for in a man is him being able to provide and the very idea of a broke man steers women in the other direction; and in pursuit most men do not offer financial support until after your legs have been in the air. Realistically speaking, sex is a fair exchange. If it is good we both will come and come back for more if you know what I mean. I would like to belive that when I am sleeping with a guy he is not required to contribute to my finances; then again if he said no if I asked I probably would end it. Either way, I do not like asking men for money, I prefer him to offer. But if you are having sex with a guy who makes much more than you is it implied that we ask or he offers monetary support? We usually don't ask men for payouts pre-sex; therefore sex must be the factor. If this is the case aren't we all modern day prostitutes?
YES is i say so myself...this is a point that i try to make when defending myself for what i do. i understand that we women do not like to ask for hand outs but men don't have a problem asking for sex...eventually somewhere down the line, a woman is NOT going to keep sleeping with a man who don't help her to do anything...even if she don't NEED him, a woman always likes to feel secure...she don't NEED him but if she does NEED him she's somehow obligated to have sex with him...not ALL the time but most of the time
You do have a point. Why shouldn't a man help you out if needed. A woman does have to feel secure. You can't make love to your man if your lights are going to get cut off and he can't help.
Agreed. But there are men who try to treat you like they own you for a mere pittance.But yes if I'm sleeping with a man his help financial and otherwise is not only expected but required.
Sex does play a big role in the things people do and/or feel. Not sure what say about this one. Yeah, exchanging sex for material things or money is a form a prostitution. I guess it's not the same as the women on the steet but it is. If you're a woman that agrees with this or does this, does it make it ok for a man to treat you like straight shit or even call you bogus names or just flat out treat you like a street hooker since you're having sex for money?
I don't know, it's good question and it makes sense. It just a turn off to me when women expect money from men. Make your own money and depend on yourself. If sex is involve, leave it as a sex thing, not a if we have sex pay my bill. It's no different with a man buys a woman a drink or treats her to dinner and expects sex. If you all you want is sex, say that. If you want your bills paid, just say that.
I mean isn't a good man portrayed in society as being a provider?
I always wondered how unattractive guys got laid so much. They were busy paying tuition and energy bills.
I guess big bank does take little bank.
Not necessarily. Any man can get laid if he has a good personality. I thnk it's a matter of have a man as a proecter and reliability. Then again what is a good man? Weren't men raised to be providers and protectors?
Honesty, it can be labeled whatever society wants to call it but in all honesty it is what is expected of a man. As girls are parents teach us to be housewives, mothers, independent self sufficent women so why would I be interested in a man that is not capable or motivated enough to provide the things for me that I can provide for myself. A factor that makes a man more suitable to have a woman is when He's capable of providing for a family and or woman. What can a broke man do for me NOTHING! A man will provide money to help a woman if needed. Money for sex sex for women or whatever Yes He must pay if HE wants to stay. What can u actually do without money...
Most housewives are prostitutes for one man...maybe more. I'm gonna get hate mail aren't I? I don't like to be beholdin' to anyone. I go halves. However if the man were rich and willing to pay I might consider taking gifts especially if I'm spitting out babies. That's hard work. But he has to be good in the sack too. Money isn't everything. Plus a personality would be great. LOL.
Then I guess you shouldn't mind if we treat you like kleenex.....since its justified that you sleep with men for what they can/will do for you.
I for one an not saying sleep with men because he can pay your bills I am saying that there should be some sort of reliability on the man's part. If I can't call on you in need and you have it, why are you my man?
In a way we are all prostitutes. But there are some whores out there as well. I don't think that it is necessary for a man to pay for sex. He/she Must have their own shit and pay their own bills. Trying to move in after a one night stand is a turn off. Independence and self-sufficiency is a must. I can pay my own bills.
OK. So it's ok if you date a man and go dutch and it's ok that if something comes up your man doesn't help out? Wow what type of men are you women being subjected too? Is that how the dating scene is now? A man doesn't have to do anything? The only thing he is to do is lay up in your house and watch 24 and give you 8 minutes of sex? If that's the case I will never date again. lol.
It's good to see a man being a provider when it comes to providing for his "family", not a piece of ass. It's also good to see women being independent and not depending on or even just sitting back letting men to take care of them. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be secure in a relationship when it comes to finances(did I spell that right?) but both people would need to be responsible for each other if something were to happen to one of them.
It's kinda a turn off to see or know that it's women out there that are so concerned with if I man can take care of them or not when it comes to money. It's a new day and times are different. Both men and women should independent. If both were, there wouldn't be a need to worry about a "what if" financial situation. But good partners would look out for each other as a given.
OK so it's not justified that a man takes care or provides for a woman that he is dating? But it is justified only if they have children? That's kind or ridiculous? Shouldn't it be either or? Either a man on some level is expected to be a provider or not. So you are basically saying: "If I get in a bind my man doesn't have to help me because we dont have children."
I guess there isn't a fine line when it comes to prostitution and just being an honorable woman. All of these excuses for exchanging sex for favors is disheartening.
"It's a new day and times are different. Both men and women should be independent. If both were, there wouldn't be a need to worry about a "what if" financial situation. But good partners would look out for each other as a given." Children or no children. Women should not expect a man to be the provider in these days. Both should provide. It's your choice though.
So what is the woman suppose to do if the man is expected to be the provider?
It all makes sense but the only way I would ask for money is if we were living together!
You know I have been there and done that. Men don't appreciate that. Men are creatures of habit if start it will never stop. If we are in a relationship and a man has proven himself of course I would step up. However, I think it is reasonable that a man offers to pitch in every now and again.
I understand every single thing you said, but have to disagree. Me personally...I'm not for sale, regardless how much money or what type of 'need' I was in. I'm capable of providing for myself. It saddens my heart to see the 'old school' train of thought when it comes to women feeling like they have to give sex in exchange for money.
I do not however judge woman for any thing they do...I am often jealous of how easily woman manipulate men out of their cash. Makes me LOL! :)
Don't think of it as a way of sex for money. However, isn't it sort of a standard men are to live up to as providers?
I don't know, it's hard for me to relate to that because I believe things should be equal in a relationship. Both provide for each other, so it balances out. Some woman provide for their family in the financial department, and some women provide care for the children, or emotional support....all in which a man can do the same.
Sex isn't providing anyone with anything but couple seconds of organsim, when it's all said and done. AND I want sex and enjoy ALOT, but I wouldn't spend my money trying to get it.
Thanks Bertha for the great subject
If I'm paying any bills, I better have a hot-plate when I come thru. I'll take a good meal over sex anyways.
You are right about it being a new era. Men not necessarily taught to be providers anymore and women have been told that it's OK to be independent and it all comes with women raising children alone and women taking care of deadbeat men. However, it is nice to see thriving 50/50 relationships once in a while.
I don't mind cooking. I am actually pretty good at it so if that's the only requirement I am one up in the game.
I have been giving it away for years in some cases without even a dinner being purchased first. I say to all the women out there SHOW ME THE MONEY...why do we give it away. WOmen can simulate sex without a man, in some cases better than a man...men can not however find anything to even come close. They have taken us for granted and used us throughout history and I say MAKE THEM PAY.
That last comment was me...i didnt mean it to be anonymous. *wink
You have a point. Why give it away without any wooing?
You have a point. Why give it away without any wooing?
I don't ask for help from Anyone, usually. Must less someone I'm sleeping with but not living with.
I believe that it is something that women and men also should do but without asking. Some women make more money so it works both ways. Money talks and bullshit walks.
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