Is Sex With A Married Man Justifiable?

Aren't We All Prostitutes?

Money in exchange for sex. It has been here since the beginning of time. If you are having sex with someone are they expected to help with that past due light bill? If so how is this different from prostitution? The very quality we look for in a man is him being able to provide and the very idea of a broke man steers women in the other direction; and in pursuit most men do not offer financial support until after your legs have been in the air. Realistically speaking, sex is a fair exchange. If it is good we both will come and come back for more if you know what I mean. I would like to belive that when I am sleeping with a guy he is not required to contribute to my finances; then again if he said no if I asked I probably would end it. Either way, I do not like asking men for money, I prefer him to offer. But if you are having sex with a guy who makes much more than you is it implied that we ask or he offers monetary support? We usually don't ask men for payouts pre-sex; therefore sex must be the factor. If this is the case aren't we all modern day prostitutes?
Six Foot Ten Disappointment

This past year I've had a fantasy…………….I always wondered how it would be to have sex with a guy who is much taller than I. I was told by an ex-friend girl of mine that while having an affair with a basketball player in some positions sex was awkward. Well I met this guy who was 6'10 at Club Bed on South Beach a few Wednesdays ago. To cut to the chase-the day after we met we decided to hang out at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood where I brutally witnessed him loose $800.00 in a matter of an hour in BlackJack. We had a few Grey Goose and Sprite cocktails. We were a bit tipsy. He seemed to have an Ok personality although he did like to lecture. However, I didn't care too much about his personality. I was only with him to fulfill my fantasy. We went back to my place where we quickly cut to the chase. His tongue made me lose it in less than three minutes. He was well endowed-but it was average nothing memorable for me. I don't know why I had in my mind that a man 6'10 was going to be any more exiting than a guy who was 5'10. There goes a perfectly good fantasy.
Why Aren't All Forms Of Abuse Acceptable?

“Leave Him!” is the first reaction most people have when a woman claims to be in a physically abusive relationship. Most women involved in this kind of relationship do not leave after the first blow. It is most commonly assumed that most stay because of low self esteem, but there must be other contributing factors that allow a woman to justify staying in a physically abusive relationship. In our society, men are allowed to cheat, not take care of their children, and belittle women among other things and still be welcomed with open arms by their women. Therefore, how can a woman be told to leave her physically abusive boyfriend when her peer is allowing herself to be cheated on by her boyfriend. Does one outweigh the other? With that being said, why are other forms of abuse and misconduct by men more acceptable than physical abuse in our society?
Why Not Mastuerbate?

Is the greatness of sex based on having an orgasm? I have had phenomenal sex without an orgasm and dismal sex with an orgasm. If mind blowing sex can be accomplished without and orgasm there must be other factors that make sex worth desiring. If the main purpose of having sex is nothing other than having that grand euphoric eruption then why not just masturbate? What is the difference between an orgasm self induced versus partner induced? Does the very thought of you and the one you are attracted to intertwined intensify the orgasm?