As I sat in that cold room waiting for my doctor to come in and read my HIV screening results, I thought: "What if it came back positive?" Would I ever be able to have sex again? Children? How would I tell my partner? How would I tell my friends and family? Life as I know it would be over. Many of us women including myself have had a sexual relationship with a man whom we know not to be faithful, yet we allow ourselves to let them put our lives at stake for a few moments of lust.
"Baby I ain't got nothing."
So many men get wrapped up in the lure of a woman's physique when the lights go off that turning over to the night stand or making that extra stop to the gas station becomes to much to bear.
"Damn it's so wet."
So as I sit in the waiting room regretting unprotected sex with a man whom I wasted 2 years of my life with.............
Knock. Knock.
"Hello Bertha. How are you?"
"Fine." I said with a nervous grin.
"I have your HIV results here." She said as she opened the folder.
My heart began to race.
"You results came back..............Negative."
My wake up call happened at that moment. No longer did I care what the clerk thought if I brought a pack of Magnums. No longer would I be having unprotected sex in a knowingly unfaithful uncommitted relationship. A year later I still ask myself: "What if?"
Do you ever ask yourself: What if?