While Walking through the isles of Publix Grocery Store in Miramar, FL, I met a dark skinned African American man. He had gold teeth on the top of his mouth that looked as if they needed shining and he was well overweight. His stomach hung well over his belt so low it was midway down his thighs. I don’t quite remember the first words he said to me but I remember him making me laugh. We continued our conversation as I pushed my buggy down the can good isle. He relayed to me that he recently broke up with his girlfriend of two years a few weeks ago and that he was single. I just smiled and nodded. “So.......Can I call you sometime?” He asked as we came to the end of the isle.Despite my lack of physical attraction towards him he did indeed make me laugh so I decided to give him my number. He called me shortly after I left the store but I did not pick up. The following evening he called. I hesitated to pick up but after a few rings I told myself: “Why Not?” In our 30 minute conversation he revealed many of the qualities that I look for in a man (including “wooing” me). I also realized that we had many things in common such as upscale restaurants and playing poker. “When are you going to let me take you out?” I suddenly cringed at the thought of being snuggled up against his gut in a restaurant booth eating appetizers. Apart of me grew angry because for once I had met someone whom I had so much in common with yet he was grossly unattractive to my tastes. I told him I had another call and I would call him back. Is it possible that someone you are not attracted to can grow on you or are looks just as important as personality?